A movement to save lives and accelerate life objectives by empowering data ownership.

With a goal of demonstrating to The World, the value of Our Data in an Age of AI.

So that Everyone has something
to make Private or Sell.

Personal Data as
Intellectual Property

Digital Dignity is a profound recognition of personal data as intellectual property, an extension of yourself created every time you access a network or generate information. In a world where data seems omnipresent and often undervalued, consider this: by taking control, you will possess a more comprehensive repository than anyone else, which acts as a market attractor, bringing more opportunities to you. Embracing data ownership means building a 360-degree profile that provides unparalleled insights into your behavior, preferences, and interactions, transforming your digital identity into a powerful asset that can be ethically monetized and leveraged across platforms. Interoperability ensures you always know the provenance of your data and communications, providing transparency and control. This not only enriches your digital experiences but also empowers you to manage your identity and information effectively. Digital Dignity means fully realizing and harnessing the value of your digital self, making every piece of data an opportunity for discovery, growth, and empowerment. This movement is essential for restoring trust in the internet, enabling individuals to fully recognize and harness the true value of their digital footprints.

All We Need Is Love 

We seek to retain a copy of the data we create into a community-defined protocol for data aggregation and ownership called the Point Exchange (PX). This initiative ensures that every individual has full control and transparency over their personal data. By aggregating data in a decentralized and secure manner, PX empowers users to own their digital footprint and make informed decisions about its use, and of course, AI makes this so much easier. Through this collective effort, we aim to foster a sense of digital dignity and respect, where personal data is valued and protected; and to restore trust to the internet.

Our goal is to reach 20 milion followers so that social media companies recognize both the opportunity and the demand for individuals to collect and securitize their data.

Sponsorship Benefits

Enhanced Brand Trust and Reputation

Consumer Trust: Aligning with a campaign that promotes data ownership can significantly enhance consumer trust.

Positive Publicity: Brands receive positive media attention and recognition for supporting ethical data practices.

Corporate Social Responsibility: Demonstrates a commitment to social responsibility and ethical standards.

Access to Insightful and Ethical Data

Valuable Insights: Obtain actionable insights that help in product development, marketing strategies, and customer engagement.

Ethical Data Usage: Ensure that data is used responsibly, adhering to high ethical standards.

Enhanced Targeting: Improve targeting accuracy with insights derived from comprehensive and user-approved data.

Competitive Advantage and Innovation Leadership

Innovation Leadership: Be seen as a forward-thinking brand that leads in digital innovation and ethical data practices.

Early Adoption Benefits: Gain early access to new technologies and methodologies emerging from the Digital Dignity initiative.

Market Differentiation: Differentiate from competitors by championing user-centric data practices and leveraging unique insights for market advantage.

Calling all Creators, Activists, and Developers!

We have a goal to reach an audience of 20 Million Internet Users in order to get the attention of Silicon Valley giants.

To help us reach our goal — WE NEED YOU — to tune in, follow, and join us for events all across the country and around the world!

We’re Building A Community!

Digital Dignity Presents

One of our major marketing tent poles will be to represent musicians and artists who are threatened by AI’s capabilities, by hosting concerts and exhibitions around the country and globe. This initiative aims to expose the platform to millions of people while championing the rights of these artists, who are at the forefront of beneficiaries of their unique ‘secret sauce’ - their style. As AI continues to evolve, questions about the limits of copyright arise. What about an artist’s inspiration, journal, diary, local context, or even memories? Who has the rights to these deeply personal elements? By aggregating these nuances, our platform ensures that any creator benefits from enhanced ownership and protection. This not only safeguards their artistic integrity but also empowers them to retain control over their creative outputs in a rapidly changing technological landscape.

Activating Ownership

To make it easy to join the cause, Digital Dignity will offer multiple avenues for participation in the technical development and expression of the exchange protocol. We invite our community to engage by watching our content, attending concerts and events, and directly contributing to the evolution of our platform. This exciting program is designed to build an audience around the notion that AI can simplify and enhance data ownership, making it not only easy but also incredibly useful.

We believe data is valuable, and we’re committed to proving it to our audience. Our program will guide users through the process of hosting their data in a secure repository and training an AI agent on their data. This hands-on experience will demonstrate the tangible benefits of data ownership, showing how personal data can be leveraged for individual advantage. By making participation accessible and engaging, we aim to foster a strong, informed community that recognizes the power and potential of owning their digital footprint. Through our content and events, we will showcase the importance of data sovereignty in the age of AI, empowering our audience to take control of their digital identities and benefit from their data’s true value.

  • Studio-Based Live Engagement

  • Run for Digital Dignity (RFDDTV)

    Tune-in to our live-stream for daily fitness and positive motivation.

  • We will explore National Parks and provide insights into just how powerful our data is.

  • Join the fun with our real-time community engagement app by donating your daily steps!

  • Follow us as we travel the country to raise awareness for the transformative power of personal data as intellectual property.

Altar Magazine

We are thrilled to introduce Altar, our new magazine dedicated to celebrating and empowering artists in the age of digital ownership. Altar will spotlight incredible talent and communicate the vital importance of data ownership to artists, all while keeping you updated on the progress of the Digital Dignity campaign. For too long, design has been constrained by plug-ins, templates, and over-simplification. Altar will break free from these limitations, embodying a philosophy that values exceptional design and artistic expression. Each issue will be physically printed and meticulously crafted by the world’s greatest living artists and designers. Starting as a mail-order exclusive, Altar aims to reach newsstands globally, spreading its mission and inspiring every type of artist. Join us on this journey to redefine what it means to own and celebrate your creative data.

Support our growth

Your donations play a vital role in spreading the message of data ownership, which in turn empowers individuals to live longer, fuller lives by giving them control over their digital identities and fostering a more transparent and ethical digital world.

Connect With Us

We’d love to hear from you! Whether you’re interested in learning more about Digital Dignity, participating in our exciting events, or joining our mission for data ownership, we’re here to connect. Follow us on social media, sign up for our newsletter, or drop us a message. Together, we can shape a future where personal data is respected and valued. Let’s stay connected and make a difference!